
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Oil seeds and Nuts

Peanuts are legumes, yet for culinary, research, and nutritional purposes, they are considered nuts. It's a rich source of fibre, phosphorus, vitamin E, and other minerals, as well as an exceptional supplier of niacin and manganese. It is used to make peanut oil, which is trans fat-free, low in saturated fatty acids, and one of the healthiest oils on the market.
sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are officially the sunflower plant's fruits. Sunflower seeds are packed in protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants, all of which can help you from acquiring major illnesses. These small seeds are a superfood, packed with vitamin E and protein, and easy to incorporate into a variety of meals.
Peanut in shell
These crunchy legumes have a lot of calories and fat, but they also have a lot of health advantages. Peanuts are a popular snack, whether mashed into butter, eaten straight from the shell, or sprinkled over a salad.
white sesame seeds
White Sesame seed - are the oldest condiment ever discovered by man. They are seed varieties that are nutty and aromatic. Toasted sesame seeds can be sprinkled on top of stir-fries, salads, and soups as a condiment. The untoasted seeds can be used to make tahini paste, which is a common Middle Eastern ingredient. The nutty flavour and crunch mix nicely with a variety of sweet and savoury baked pro
chia seeds
Chia seeds are nutrient-dense and can be included in a healthy diet. They are high in fibre and PUFAs, both of which are beneficial to one's health. Chia seeds contain quercetin, an antioxidant that can help you avoid a variety of illnesses, including heart disease. Chia seeds are simple to make and are frequently used as an egg substitute, as well as in oatmeal and smoothies.
flax seeds
Flaxseed is a plant-based food that is high in fibre, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. Many of the benefits of flax seeds are due to their high level of omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, and other plant chemicals. They help with weight loss, blood sugar regulation, and heart and intestinal health. Cereals, pasta, whole grain breads and crackers, energy bars, meatless meal products, and snack foods